Action Committee overview: Wellness & Student Life
The Wellness & Student Life (WSL) Action Committee is dedicated to both trainee wellness and patient wellness through the development of patient-centered care and of supportive educational environments. These goals require an emphasis on patient-centered care over physician-centered care, especially as that care pertains to integrative, complementary, & alternative medicine (ICAM). The WSL committee also advocates for and supports the need for trainees to have regular access to medical humanities to foster healing through understanding, community, creativity, personal reflection, and a connection with humanity.
Position description
The WSL Programming Coordinator is responsible for executing AMSA’s programming efforts in issues of wellness, student life, and integrative, complementary, and alternative medicine (ICAM).
As part of the Wellness & Student Life Action Committee, the Programming Coordinator can expect to work closely with the Chair of the committee and its Advocacy Coordinator to determine the direction of the committee’s efforts for the year and to execute committee projects. Committee projects often combine advocacy and programming, and some duties in shared projects may overlap.
As a national Programming Coordinator, the WSL Programming Coordinator will fulfill the general duties and responsibilities of a national Programming Coordinator as described further below.
In addition to the general duties of a national Programming Coordinator, specified responsibilities include: