Secretary / Vice President of Internal Affairs

Term: 2025-2027

*This is a two year term. In applying for this position, you will serve as the Secretary for one year and assume the role of Vice President for Internal Affairs the following year.

The Vice President for Internal Affairs (VPIA) and the Secretary are responsible for all planning and oversight of the HOD. They assure that all resolutions to be debated by the HOD are submitted to chapters well before Convention; staff, train and oversee all committees (Reference, Credentials and Nominations) of the HOD; and chair all sessions. They are intimately involved in the function of the Reference Committees, and they oversee the elections of the national officers at the convention.

The VPIA and Secretary also serve as members of the BOT. Because the Secretary/VPIA position is a two year term, the Secretary/VPIA bring continuity from one year to the next to the BOT, and their knowledge of the Preamble, Purposes and Principles and AMSA’s legislative functions makes them a great resource for information.

Time requirements are less intense from April to September, but responsibilities accelerate quickly as the Annual Convention approaches. January through Convention is the busiest time of their year.