Misei Sarumida

Course Director, Racism in Medicine

Misei Aurora Sarumida is a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of California, San Diego studying Human Biology.

She joined AMSA freshman year under its UCSD chapter, getting involved in the Global Health and Research Design Team. There, she researched and contributed on a paper for the issue of homelessness of San Diego senior residents, as well as on a flier raising awareness for breast cancer, that was presented at the ALA Lung Force Walk in January 2023. Last September, she was a member of the Premedical Scholars Program, where she initiated her project creating a website for connecting families going through various medical situations.

Even outside of AMSA, Misei is deeply involved in the field of medicine. At the UCSD Health Neuro-ICU, she makes sure patients and their families’ needs are met and she supports the nursing staff with duties such as transporting patients’ blood to the nearby lab facility and wheeling patients down for discharging. She is also an active member of the Cooper Lab, where she shadows graduate students and postdocs working on projects looking at limb growth in the rodent jerboas, as well as taking care of the jerboa cages weekly.

Misei also enjoys being involved outside the field of medicine. She is a 3-year member of the Revelle College Emerging Leaders Program, where students develop their leadership style through workshops and small group meetings, as well as have an opportunity to work on a project centered around a social justice issue with fellow members of different leadership styles. After being a cohort member her first year, she continued to be a part of the leadership team as a peer mentor for two years, where she became a mentor for a small group from the cohort. This year, she will be a program engagement coordinator, spearheading socials for the entire program to bond with each other. Finally, Misei also tutors online for both SchoolOnWheels and LearnToBe, both organizations for students going through difficult living situations.