SPOTLIGHT ON HEALTH & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE Reproductive Justice & 15 Years of The Affordable Care Act Written by Becky Martin, AMSA Senior Manager of Reproductive Health Advocacy Sunday, March 23rd, marked 15 years since President Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare as many call it. Since...
SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE Walking in the Footsteps of Courage Written by Joy Udoh, AMSA Reproductive Health Project Fellow There are many exciting things about the field of OB/GYN that I am looking forward to as July approaches: the joy of supporting a patient through all nine months of gestation, providing...
SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE BOOK REVIEW What Addicted. Pregnant. Poor. Teaches Us About Reproductive Justice Written by Araam Abboud, AMSA Reproductive Health Project Intern In the United States, substance use among pregnant and parenting individuals often goes unrecognized and untreated due to misconceptions and systemic barriers. Within this landscape—where legal threats, stigma,...
SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE Stay Connected – to Resources, Community, and Radical Hope for Reproductive Freedom and Justice – through the AMSA Reproductive Health Project! Written by Jeff Koetje, MD, AMSA Reproductive Health Programming Strategist Greetings from all of us at the AMSA Reproductive Health Project (AMSA RHP)! With the start of...