Hey, look at this, fAMSA — it’s the April Dispatch! In case you missed the first one last month, here’s the scoop: it’s a hot-news round-up of timely AMSA opportunities. What’s new this month? CV-boosters of many varieties! Tap into these potent opportunities to lead some cool programs — and network with some AMSA-influencers in...
AMSA recently hosted a virtual Town Hall where we learned from insiders about how to influence policymaking at every step of the legislative process. Read the summary and watch the video below! Combine passion, planning, and persistence Effective advocacy combines passion, planning and persistence. That was the main takeaway offered by Justin Hatmaker, chief operating...
Across the country and globe, medical students are banding together in small groups to share ideas, ask questions and better understand what we can do in this time of crisis. We’re anxious, unsettled and eager to help. Here’s the thing: as medical students—as the next generation of physicians, we have the power, drive and collective...
Isaiah, our National President will be leading a video series to speak about COVID-19, and how AMSA is here to support all of its members. We will also have insight from many different people including attending physicians who are former AMSA alumni. We are here for you, AMSA members! Sign up for updates for the...