by Rohini Kousalya Siva, MD MPH MS, AMSA President Introducing Ashish Chettimada, a remarkable young visionary hailing from Waterloo, Ontario. Ashish’s dedication to innovative healthcare solutions is nothing short of inspiring. As a student enrolled in the esteemed International Baccalaureate program at Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute, Ashish exemplifies the qualities of a future leader...
Every year, AMSA organizes its House of Delegates (HOD) meeting, a pivotal event where members actively shape the direction of the organization. Serving as AMSA’s official policy-making body, the HOD brings together representatives from our chapters to vote on policies and elect national officers. It’s an inclusive forum where every AMSA member has a voice,...
What do we stand for? What drives AMSA forward — what policies and guidelines do we set in motion to advance our work? You decide. How cool is that? Today, we’re offering a brief overview of AMSA’s House of Delegates: what it is and how you can play a role. Let’s go. What’s this? AMSA’s House of...
Every fall, AMSA members come together to raise their voices in unison …a powerful chorus of change, growth, and community — future physicians from medical school campuses near and far. And this chorus only gets stronger and louder as the months pass, culminating in a global, spring convening like no other. This is AMSA’s Annual...