
Chapter Spotlight: Poznan University of Medical Sciences

Learn more about how the Poznan University of Medical Sciences AMSA Chapter brings a sense of community on their campus while providing resources to students.  Chapter Objective: “As a brand new chapter, we aim to bring a sense of community among the different medical programs and years on campus. At the same time, we strive...

Leader Spotlight: Tiffany Hu – University of Maryland, College Park Chapter President

Read about AMSA Chapter President Tiffany Hu’s dedication to enhancing her chapter’s service events to develop more meaningful experiences for members and connect with their community. Senior Focus: Neurobiology & Physiology University of Maryland, College Park When did you join AMSA? First year of college (2013) AMSA Leadership Experience Co-Service Director (2014-2015) Co-President (2015-2017) Why did...

Chapter Spotlight: University of Maryland, College Park

Learn more about how the University of Maryland, College Park AMSA Chapter emphasizes engaging pre-med students in meaningful service activities while inspiring critical thinking about the social determinants of health.  Chapter Objective: “To engage pre-med students in meaningful service activities that allow them to think critically and broadly about the social determinants of health. We...

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