Global Health

World AIDS Day

By: Anishaa Sivakumar, 2019-2020 AIDS Advocacy Network Chair 770,000 lives lost. 1.7 million lives irrevocably altered. All in a year. HIV, the deadliest pandemic, remains a devastating illness in the US and abroad. And yet, as we reflect on the past and see the tremendous strides we have taken, we can look forward with hope...

Quiz yourself—Spanish medical terminology with Canopy Learn!

The problem A majority of physicians struggle with language barriers, often with the 45 million Spanish-speakers in the United States. The risks of miscommunication are too high in the hospital setting to ignore. What can you do? Patient-centered care requires meaningful communication. Practice your medical Spanish terminology with this short quiz, courtesy of Canopy Learn,...

Connecting the Dots: AIDS Advocacy at Home and Abroad

By: Mariah Gray I met the little orphan boy in his home in an Addis Ababa slum. He lived there with his older sister – or maybe she was just a kind town girl that took him in. Regardless, she was young, she was his caretaker, and she was living with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)....

Your international experience: Making it count

Your international experience: Making it count You’ve completed an international elective or global health experience; so, what’s next? Explore how you can maximize the value of that experience and what next steps you should be taking upon your return with Dr. Joseph C. Kolars of the University of Michigan Medical School. Dr. Joseph C. Kolars is the...

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