SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE BOOK REVIEW What Addicted. Pregnant. Poor. Teaches Us About Reproductive Justice Written by Araam Abboud, AMSA Reproductive Health Project Intern In the United States, substance use among pregnant and parenting individuals often goes unrecognized and untreated due to misconceptions and systemic barriers. Within this landscape—where legal threats, stigma,...
Crossword Puzzling for Repro Justice Created by the AMSA Repro Project for your puzzling fun, enjoy! Season’s Greetings! May your Holidays be filled with warm hugs, delicious foods, relaxation and renewal ACROSS DOWN 3. One of the 3 true Mothers of Gynecology who’s name starts with A 6. Mife’s safe and effective companion...
SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE Human Dignity, Human Rights Written by Jeff Koetje, MD, AMSA Reproductive Health Programming Strategist If you’ve been following AMSA National’s social media, including our Instagram and Facebook pages, you’ve likely noticed that the AMSA Reproductive Health Project has been working with our social media team to create a...
SPOTLIGHT FILM REVIEW Happening (2021) A Woman’s Choices When She Has No Choice Written by Joy Udoh, AMSA Reproductive Health Fellow I hosted a movie night for some of my medical friends last fall. After viewing a few trailers, we settled on Happening (2021). I think the choice was unanimous because of how charged the...