AMSA Updates

AMSA UNIBE & AMSA INTEC Honor Their Members

AMSA UNIBE & AMSA INTEC are two active and awesome AMSA Chapters who call the Dominican Republic home. AMSA’s National President, Dr. Kelly Thibert, headed there early this November to attend their induction celebrations. Check out these photos from the events. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”AMSA INTEC & AMSA UNIBE Inductions”]      ...

AMSA ad lib: Residency interview questions and prep

Residency interview questions and prep What’s it like to interview for a residency position in neurosurgery? How does it compare to interviewing in other specialties? In this episode, medical students share their experiences and questions, including tackling rumors about the neurosurgery interview process.   If you have comments about this episode or would like to...

The Trans-Pacific Partnership–A Threat to Affordable Medicines

A few months ago, my friend posted a link to an online crowd-funding page for his mom, who is battling cancer. The treatment that might save her life would cost her over $100,000 this year alone – and it might leave their family bankrupt. As a medical student, I have been told by ordinary people...

AMSA PremedFest Wrap-Up

AMSA PremedFest is officially a wrap! The festival, held in partnership with Kaplan Test Prep, was hosted by the AMSA pre-health chapter at Hillsborough Community College in Plant City, Fla., on Saturday, January 30. Over 200 pre-health students participated in 20+ sessions and heard from inspiring speakers like Patch Adams, MD, and Gary Rose, MD....

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