AMSA Updates

Future Physicians Call to Address Racial Injustice and Health Inequities

By: Ali Bokhari, D.O., MPH AMSA National President 2020-2021 Isaiah Cochran, M.D. AMSA Immediate Past President The American Medical Student Association stands in solidarity with the millions of Americans mourning George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others marginalized in our communities who have died at the hands of law enforcement over the course of decades....

Building an online community with AMSA Connect

Community may look different in the world right now, but it has not been erased. More now than ever, med students need to talk, vent, and connect with both physicians and peers. AMSA members have long asked for ways that we can help them build community with their surrounding schools and chapters and meet physicians...

We need to stop making this public health emergency political

Op-ed written by Mackenzie Carlson and Jane Salutz and published in KevinMD.com 4/23/2020.  Mackenzie and Jane are medical students in Wisconsin, Mackenzie is AMSA National Secretary, Jane is AMSA Region 2 Director.   What a bag of mixed emotions these last few months have been in the face of COVID-19. I’ve watched my community doubt...

Future physicians: We’re a mighty force. Let’s come together.

Across the country and globe, medical students are banding together in small groups to share ideas, ask questions and better understand what we can do in this time of crisis. We’re anxious, unsettled and eager to help.  Here’s the thing: as medical students—as the next generation of physicians, we have the power, drive and collective...