
AMSA’s Medical Students for Gun Safety Campaign

AMSA’s Medical Students for Gun Safety Campaign is delighted to announce that we have published our first gun violence prevention curriculum guide, titled Integrating Firearm Safety into Medical School Curricula! Developed by members of the MSGS Steering Committee, this guide provides numerous resources for getting started on including gun violence prevention into your own school....

A Letter of Love to Abortion Providers, Past, Present, and Future

Marcela Trocha Collage, in celebration of Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, March 10, 2022 Translations of the Polish words and phrases: Miłości = love Tolerancja = tolerance Rewolucja jest kobieta = revolution is a woman Partyzantka aborcyjna = abortion activist Ciche bohaterki = quiet heroes Wolność = freedom “I feel […] it’s hard to be ‘good’...

Future Abortion Providers–Get the Support and Mentoring You Need through AMSA’s Reproductive Health Mentorship Sprint Program!

 AMSA’s Reproductive Health Project works to advance the vision and goals of Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice (RHRJ) by supporting the professional growth and ethical development of future abortion care providers, with a focus on cultivating perspectives and ethics in medical students which are informed by the principles and political commitments of Reproductive Justice. This...

AMSA Call to America: Stand Against Racist Threats Directed at HBCUs & Anti-racist Doctors 

  AMSA Call to America: Stand Against Racist Threats Directed at HBCUs & Anti-racist Doctors  Black History Month is a moment to celebrate Black excellence and achievement in the face of current and historic structural racism and oppression.  This is also a moment to highlight the systems that have created and perpetuated health and economic...