
#PAPSNAP with AMSA Jefferson

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and AMSA Jefferson chapter would like to introduce the #PAPSNAP! #PAPSNAP is a Cervical Cancer Awareness social media campaign, proposed by Keri Bergin of Sidney Kimmel Medical College (SKMC) at Jefferson University AMSA, aimed at destigmatizing gynecological appointments.  Those who need routine exams with a gynecologist are encouraged to...

AMSA Joins TPP Protest in New York

AMSA joins Flush the TPP and other partners this week to protest the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Washington DC and New York. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a gigantic trade agreement involving 12 countries and 40% of the world’s GDP.  The agreement was recently finalized and the text has finally been made public after years of...

Perspective: The Ethics of Crowdsourcing for Organs

by Rebekah Apple, MA A recent news article, linked to AMSA’s Weekly Consult on November 11, told of a Florida college student currently on the kidney transplant waiting list.  As of today, more than 5,800 Floridians are waiting for an organ transplant, and 122,000 nationwide are on the same list. Living kidney donation offers a...

EAF Advocacy Trip: Update 3

Join AMSA Education & Advocacy Fellow Dr. Alison Case as she visits AMSA Chapters across the country! Alison has recently returned from her Midwest tour visiting AMSA chapters, rallying against global AIDS relief funding cuts, and offering advocacy workshops on meeting with elected officials. Two weeks ago, AMSA’s Education and Advocacy Fellow, Alison Case, was on the road...

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