
Ban the Blood Ban! Take action

By H. Matthew Moy, M.D., M.P.H. & Shima Ge Find a script for action at the bottom of this post. I hate to say it, but we’ve heard it all before. We’ve heard the speeches, the prayers, the tweets, the photos, and the rage. This, unfortunately isn’t anything new, and it’s sad and frustrating that...

The Trans-Pacific Partnership–A Threat to Affordable Medicines

A few months ago, my friend posted a link to an online crowd-funding page for his mom, who is battling cancer. The treatment that might save her life would cost her over $100,000 this year alone – and it might leave their family bankrupt. As a medical student, I have been told by ordinary people...

What the Headlines Forgot

By:  Alison Case, MD, AMSA Education and Advocacy Fellow Within the last week, a number of news outlets reported the results of the Flexibility in Duty Hour Requirements for Surgical Trainees (FIRST) trial, carried out in more than one hundred general surgery training programs across the U.S.  Headlines such as, “Longer Surgical Resident Shifts Pose...

#PAPSNAP with AMSA Jefferson

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and AMSA Jefferson chapter would like to introduce the #PAPSNAP! #PAPSNAP is a Cervical Cancer Awareness social media campaign, proposed by Keri Bergin of Sidney Kimmel Medical College (SKMC) at Jefferson University AMSA, aimed at destigmatizing gynecological appointments.  Those who need routine exams with a gynecologist are encouraged to...

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