
Wellness Wednesday: Romance in Medical School

  Dearest Reader, Roses are Red Violets are Blue Med school is tough But so are you! -Cupid, MS1   Considering that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, the Wellness & Student Life committee wanted to share advice on maintaining healthy relationships with significant others in medical school. Fair warning: This post is long, but...

Mobile Mammography and the Rural Population

    October rolls around and suddenly you notice pink everywhere… pink signs, pink ribbons, and pink clothing as far as the eye can see. That’s because, as I’m sure you’re much aware, October is breast cancer awareness month. Organizations and people worldwide unite to promote breast health and cancer awareness while raising funds to...

Today we recoup, tomorrow we stand up!

AMSA, We now face uncertainty; many of us are fearful, saddened and quite frankly are still in disbelief. I want you to know that you are not, nor will you ever be, alone. We will stand together and we will not sit down. This is not the first time in American History that the lives...

We need to stand in solidarity against rolling back protective work hour restrictions!

If you would like to sign-on to the below petition, please click the link here.   The mission of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is built upon our members’ commitment to advocate for high quality health care, excellence in physician training, and the protection and promotion of the welfare of physicians-in- training and our...