Better Health & Healthcare One Vote Away! Join Call for U.S. Senate Yes Vote on Build Back Better Act Imagine you live in a nation: where all with diabetes could get their insulin for $35 a month, and Rx companies are required to negotiate discounts that ensured all their children have health coverage without gaps...
Written by AMSA-GoodRx Education and Advocacy Fellows Peter Papaioannou & Remy Arnot Yesterday, another senseless massacre took place at Oxford High School in Michigan. As medical students, we are horrified at the loss of life and by how often people in our nation turn to guns for answers. We extend our deepest condolences to the...
Future Physicians Applaud House Democrats Passage of Historic Build Back Better Bill Relief on the Way for Millions: Lower Rx Prices Starting with $35 Insulin Caps Closing Medicaid Gap to Cover Millions Left Out by State Legislators Expanding Home Care for Seniors & More The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) applauds House Democrats and President...
Congress Passes Historic Investments in Clean Air, Energy, Water & Jobs Now It’s Time to Pass Investment in People, Expand Health Care & Lower Rx Prices Call Congress: Vote Yes on Build Back Better This Week! On Monday, President Biden will sign into law the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, passed by Congress last week. This action...