Choosing your field of study is important—but not as important as your MCAT score! Choosing a pre-med major can be one of the most important decisions you make, even before you step foot on a college campus. Some students will have already long ago decided which field of study they want to pursue; others may…
By Kelsey Lyon, OMS II During my first week of medical school we were administered the results of the Myers-Briggs personality survey that we were asked to take online prior to starting school. Upon receiving our results we then had a session on what our four letter results meant and how we can use them…
By: Alison Case, MD Last week, myself and Deb Hall, AMSA’s President attended a monumental demonstration of support for access to women’s healthcare services and abortion care outside of the United States Supreme Court. The rally was in response to the opening arguments of the Whole Women’s Health vs Hellerstedt Case in which the state…
By: Kaplan Test Prep Hitting your target MCAT score is an important part of the medical school application process, and it’s a component that causes many pre-med applicants a great deal of stress and anxiety. But there’s also a lot of misinformation floating around out there. Let’s address the some of the most common MCAT…
By: Alison Case, MD, AMSA Education and Advocacy Fellow Within the last week, a number of news outlets reported the results of the Flexibility in Duty Hour Requirements for Surgical Trainees (FIRST) trial, carried out in more than one hundred general surgery training programs across the U.S. Headlines such as, “Longer Surgical Resident Shifts Pose…
AMSA PremedFest is officially a wrap! The festival, held in partnership with Kaplan Test Prep, was hosted by the AMSA pre-health chapter at Hillsborough Community College in Plant City, Fla., on Saturday, January 30. Over 200 pre-health students participated in 20+ sessions and heard from inspiring speakers like Patch Adams, MD, and Gary Rose, MD….