Macroglossia and edema—what do you suspect

July 25, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A 65-year-old male presents to his family physician with complaints of increasing fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, and unintentional weight loss within the last six months. On examination, he is noted to have macroglossia and peripheral edema. Crackles are audible bilaterally on chest auscultation. Image credit: @nikhilchadha.   Answer: Bone marrow…


Choosing a medical school

July 20, 2018

Contrary to popular opinion, medical school admissions is not just a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” decision-making process. Since there are so many qualified applicants and so few spaces, who ends up getting in? A Peek Into Medical School Admissions The process works differently at each school and program, but certain things remain roughly the…


Why is this urine bag purple?

July 18, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week An 80-year-old female with a history of diabetes and chronic constipation presents to the emergency department with a purple urine bag. She is currently bedridden and uses an indwelling catheter. On examination, she is hypotensive and confused. Blood cultures are positive for Proteus vulgaris. Image credit: @ctip.   Answer: Ciprofloxacin…


Did a drug interaction complicate this injury?

July 11, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A 76-year-old male presents with a progressive headache, dizziness, and confusion after falling from his bed the night before. He currently takes warfarin following a mechanical valve replacement 11 years ago, and has been recently diagnosed with depression. A CT scan reveals a subdural hematoma and the patient’s INR…


What’s causing this persistent cough?

July 03, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A 75-year-old female presents with a two-year history of a persistent cough and fatigue. The cough is occasionally productive of purulent sputum. She was treated for a community-acquired pneumonia two years earlier and underwent an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion previously, but is otherwise well. On examination, she appears…


UNLV School of Medicine: The road to Washington, D.C.

July 01, 2018

Leader Spotlight: University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine AMSA Chapter The University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Medicine (UNLV SoM), established in 2014, opened its doors to the Founding Charter Class on July 17, 2017. Since then, our American Medical Student Association (AMSA) chapter at UNLV SoM has come a long way:…

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