Healing the Healer: Breathing

August 18, 2018

  Health Hint: Breathing Exercises Breathing as a bridge It is thought by many cultures that the process of breathing is the essence of being. A rhythmic process of expansion and contraction, breathing is one example of the consistent polarity we see in nature such as night and day, wake and sleep, seasonal growth and…


What history does this incidental finding suggest?

August 14, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A 62-year-old female, G3P3, presents to her gynecologist with a year-long history of worsening stress urinary incontinence. During the course of her investigation, a pelvic MRI is performed, and reveals the findings seen here. Image credit: @WAiKtheRAD.   Answer: Breast cancer The thickening and cystic changes of the endometrium seen here…


Failure to thrive in a child—what’s the cause?

August 06, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A three-year-old African American boy is brought to his new pediatrician over concerns of poor growth, fatigue, and irritability. On examination, he has a large head and generalized muscular hypotonia. His left wrist demonstrates the findings seen here.  Image credit: @Danflanders.   Answer: Nutrition counseling This patient’s clinical presentation is consistent…


“Identify your passion and set a goal that you want to achieve”

August 01, 2018

Leader Spotlight: Haya Al Any Today’s spotlight is AMSA member and leader Haya Al Any! Haya is serving as Premedical Trustee on AMSA’s Board of Trustees for the 2018-2019 leadership year. Why did you join AMSA? From the very start, I could clearly see how AMSA had defined a mission that set itself apart from…


Neck pain, headache, and dysdiadochokinesia—what’s the cause?

August 01, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A 28-year-old female presents to the emergency department with an occipital headache and neck pain. She mentions her symptoms appeared after hyperextending her neck while playing tennis the day before. Examination reveals dysdiadochokinesia and decreased lateral vision. A contrast head and neck CT demonstrate the findings seen here.  Image…


Macroglossia and edema—what do you suspect

July 25, 2018

Figure 1 Quiz of the Week A 65-year-old male presents to his family physician with complaints of increasing fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, and unintentional weight loss within the last six months. On examination, he is noted to have macroglossia and peripheral edema. Crackles are audible bilaterally on chest auscultation. Image credit: @nikhilchadha.   Answer: Bone marrow…

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