Calling All Future Physicians! JOIN THE CONVERSATION

June 08, 2022

Calling All Future Physicians!  As early as this summer, abortion care may be illegal or extremely restricted in as many as 26 states, should the US Supreme Court rule, as it is expected to, against recognition of federal protection of the right to abortion care, effectively reversing the 1973 decision in Roe vs. Wade. Regardless…


AMSA Cannot Sit Idly by While Our Children’s Lives are Endangered

May 27, 2022

    AMSA Cannot Sit Idly by While Our Children’s Lives are Endangered For the 212th time this year, another senseless massacre has occurred. This time, tragedy shattered the hearts of families and friends of elementary school children who attended Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Medical students across the country are horrified at the…


AMSA Response to Supreme Court “Leaked Draft” Indicating Intent to Overturn Roe v. Wade

May 04, 2022

  AMSA Response to Supreme Court “Leaked Draft” Indicating Intent to Overturn Roe v. Wade  As physicians in training, advocates, and supporters of reproductive rights and justice, AMSA is deeply concerned, though not surprised, by the draft Supreme Court decision on abortion rights that was leaked late Monday night. Those in the community who provide…


New! Building Trust Essay Contest – An AMSA & ABIM Foundation Project

April 18, 2022

  Building Trust Essay Contest – An AMSA & ABIM Foundation Project Medical students have lot to say about building trust with their schools, faculty, peers, patients, and communities. How can we discover what activities or projects medical students are engaged in that build trust? Earning and maintaining the trust of our patients and peers…


AMSA’s Medical Students for Gun Safety Campaign

March 17, 2022

AMSA’s Medical Students for Gun Safety Campaign is delighted to announce that we have published our first gun violence prevention curriculum guide, titled Integrating Firearm Safety into Medical School Curricula! Developed by members of the MSGS Steering Committee, this guide provides numerous resources for getting started on including gun violence prevention into your own school….


A Letter of Love to Abortion Providers, Past, Present, and Future

March 10, 2022

Marcela Trocha Collage, in celebration of Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, March 10, 2022 Translations of the Polish words and phrases: Miłości = love Tolerancja = tolerance Rewolucja jest kobieta = revolution is a woman Partyzantka aborcyjna = abortion activist Ciche bohaterki = quiet heroes Wolność = freedom “I feel […] it’s hard to be ‘good’…

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