Healthy exercises to start the year

February 11, 2015

Tracy Lee, OMS II A.T. Still University-SOMA Wellness Coordinator AMSA Trainee Wellness and Professionalism Committee As promised in my last post, I will give a variety of easy exercises to start off your day and your year on the right foot. First, I will give some yoga exercises to start off breathing right and then…


New Year, New You!

January 28, 2015

Tracy Lee, OMS II A.T. Still University-SOMA Wellness Coordinator AMSA Trainee Wellness and Professionalism Committee Welcome to the New Year! This means a new you, right? I know many have New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, stay fit, or be healthy. How about we start off the New Year on a good foot? One thing…


The Pre-Med Plan in a Nutshell

January 21, 2015

With the New Year, comes a fresh start. Last month we discussed shaping your personal statement, but in the New Year, let’s shift the focus onto your overall plan. Depending on where you are in your pre-med studies, you are going to need to do different things, but at minimum, you want to make sure…


It’s Never Too Early to Think About Your Personal Statement

December 17, 2014

There is no doubt that the medical school application is complex. As a pre-med, regardless of where you are in your education – just starting out as a freshman or sophomore, completing pre-med courses as a junior or senior, or studying for the MCAT – it’s never too early to start thinking about your personal…


Perspective: We lay down; now it’s time to stand up

December 16, 2014

(Photo courtesy Livy Low) Hannah Keppler Student, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Last Wednesday, thousands of students at more than 70 medical schools across the country staged “white-coat die-ins” to make a statement about racial injustice, including as it manifests itself in our health care system. As one of these students, I lay on the…


Surviving Pre-med: When Work-Life Balance Matters Most

December 04, 2014

AMSA and national partner Kaplan have teamed up for a blog series featuring AMSA leadership from across the country. We are calling this series The Premed Experience, and each week AMSA’s On Call and Kaplan’s Med School Pulse will post new articles from AMSA leaders on their premedical experience and journey to medical school. by Laté Lawson-Hellu, Professionalism Coordinator,…

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