SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE Voices from theFrontlines:Dr. Chelsea Daniels, Family Physician & Abortion Provider in Florida (Part 2) Written by Anna Hindman DO, AMSA Reproductive Health Project Fellowand PGY1 at Kaiser Napa Solano Family Medicine Residency Below is Part 2 of an interview with Dr. Chelsea Daniels, a Family Medicine doctor and…
Learn About MCAT Scoring MCAT scores are crucial to medical school admissions. Understanding score ranges will help you set realistic goals for your MCAT prep. Quick Tip: There is no penalty for wrong answers, so it’s important to answer all questions on the MCAT to maximize your score, even if you have to take an…
Thank you to everyone who submitted to this year’s poster session. We had over 300 posters submitted to our poster session and over 150 final participants. We are excited to announce that we are listing the first, second and third place winners this year. All of this information will also be available in the 2024…
SPOTLIGHT BOOK REVIEW Empathy and Empowerment in Mali: A Review of Monique and the Mango Rains by Kris Halloway Written by Andres F. Diaz, AMSA National Board of Trustees, Student Editor, The New Physician, & MD/PhD student at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson Kris Holloway’s Monique and the Mango Rains is an…
Created by Nikitha Balaji (they/them), AMSA President-elect, and M1 at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Find the words below in the gird above, words can be horizontal, vertical, backward or diagonalClick on the word below to learn more! AbortionCareIsHealthCare Anarcha Bestey Bodily Autonomy Heather Booth LGBT Equality Loretta Ross Lucy Pride Month…
SPOTLIGHT ON ABORTION CARE & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE Voices from the Frontlines: Dr. Chelsea Daniels, Family Physician & Abortion Provider in Florida (Part 1) Written by Anna Hindman DO, AMSA Reproductive Health Project Fellow and PGY1 at Kaiser Napa Solano Family Medicine Residency Below is an interview with Dr. Chelsea Daniels, a Family Medicine doctor and…