Better Health & Healthcare One Vote Away!

December 08, 2021

Better Health & Healthcare One Vote Away!

Join Call for U.S. Senate Yes Vote on Build Back Better Act

Imagine you live in a nation: 

  • where all with diabetes could get their insulin for $35 a month, and Rx companies are required to negotiate discounts
  • that ensured all their children have health coverage without gaps
  • where seniors and people with disabilities could get high quality care and help to stay in their homes 
  • where home health workers were paid a living wage, and Medicare covered seniors hearing care 
  • where the maternal mortality rate is dropping, rather than rising at an unacceptable rate
  • that makes the critical investments needed to improve maternal health, target racial health disparities, and advance birth equity 

What would your life and work as a physician be like if these imagingings were real?
What would you do to make these things real? What would you say to someone who had the power to deny, or make these things real?

Good News! The U.S. House just passed a bill that makes these things real
— it’s the Build Back Better Act!

Now, The Build Back Better Act is before the U.S. Senate and
we are only 1 vote away from President Biden signing it into law. 

Today, AMSA sent a letter to all U.S. Senators urging
the Senate to vote on The Build Back Better Act before the end of the year, and to ensure the vital health care provisions incorporated by the House remain intact. As future physicians, we believe this legislation takes historic steps toward making healthcare more equitable, affordable, and sustainable. The time to pass The Build Back Better Act is here — our patients, our families, our colleagues, and communities can not, and should not, wait longer. 

It’s time to make historic investments in our people, our nation, and our future. 

It’s time to vote YES on The Build Back Better Act!

Please join us in action and lift your voice to your own U.S. Senators Today!

Call Your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121

(Capitol switchboard)
Don’t delay, voicemail can be left 24/7

Find your own Congress members here
along with their direct DC office phone numbers & official webpages

Find tips when calling Congress and a short call script here 
AMSA Take Action: Call Senators – It’s Time for YES Vote on The Build Back Better Act!