How to Earn Points

  • (1 point) Include details for signing up for FP4C in your email signature
  • (2 points) Post about AMSA membership/convention attendance in your institution’s group chat
  • (3 points) Write a membership and/or convention testimonial post for AMSA National social media describing why it is so important for them that they are an AMSA member and national leader, and that they plan to attend convention
  • (5 points) Complete a video-based testimonial of the above
  • (5 points) Attend your local AMSA chapter’s next general body meeting and promote FP4C/AMSA national membership
  • (5 points) Assist with developing programming for a general body meeting focused on AMSA’s convention, present on AMSA’s annual convention (and share your firsthand experiences!), and develop a list of individuals who will sign up for conference
  • (7 points) Develop a longitudinal conference recruitment plan with at least one point person (i.e. chapter liaison) at national leader’s AMSA chapter (1 extra point if national leader sets up a meeting with your school’s administration (faculty, staff) to discuss AMSA’s annual convention and funding for student attendance)
  • (10 points) Each successful new member recruitment/convention sign-up associated with national leader’s leadership code.