Media Contact
Pete Thomson
Chief Communications Officer
American Medical Student Association
AMSA Opposes Selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for United States Supreme Court
Sterling, Va., July 10, 2018—On July 9, 2018, President Trump announced his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacancy left by Justice Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court. In the coming months, the U.S. Senate will hold hearings followed by a vote on whether or not to confirm this selection.
The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) has long believed that all people should have access to quality, affordable health care, regardless of age, gender, income, sexual orientation, gender identity, or pre-existing conditions; and that all women should have the right to obtain a legal, safe, voluntary abortion. Judge Kavanaugh’s history includes support for a refusal to facilitate abortion services for a pregnant teenage woman in immigration custody and a dissent from an opinion to uphold the Affordable Care Act. His seat on the Supreme Court presents a potential threat to Roe v. Wade—the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that extended protection of a woman’s right to obtain a legal abortion—and a potential threat to the continuation or enforcement of the Affordable Care Act, in particular protection for those with pre-existing conditions.
AMSA urges the Senate to reject Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court and calls on our members to contact their Senators to oppose his confirmation.
About the American Medical Student Association:
AMSA is the oldest and largest independent association of physicians-in-training in the United States. Founded in 1950, AMSA is a student-governed, non-profit organization committed to representing physicians-in-training, advocating for quality and affordable health care for all, and building the next generation of physician leaders. To join our community, visit