Medical Student AMSA Members

You will need to have an active medical student membership to schedule a meeting with an Advocacy Coach.

  1. Click here to log into the coaching platform and schedule time with one of our coaches.

Email mentorship@amsa.org with any questions!

Meet the Advocacy Coaches

Volunteer Advocacy Coaches

Are you a physician or healthcare activist looking for ways to support medical students and residents? Volunteer to be an Advo Coach—commit as much or as little time as you are able and receive alerts when a student reaches out for a coaching session. You’ll receive guidance on how to hold coaching sessions and we’ll be here for support at every step. Apply below or reach out to mentorship@amsa.org with any questions.

Apply to be an Advo Coach

Meet the Advocacy Coaching Founders

My hope is this program provides medical students with a safe space to share their passion and receive advice on how to put that passion into action. I hope this will lead to more students advocating at the institutional, regional and national level. The world needs more physician advocates!

—Ryan Palmer, EdD, MFA