
Welcome to the United States of America: 0 Days Since a Mass Shooting

Written by Ton La, Jr, AMSA Vice President for Membership, published in KevinMD.com on December 8, 2019. Every day, 100 Americans are killed with guns. 44% of American adults report knowing someone who has been shot. As a society, we have come to accept gun violence as commonplace and not something to take immediate action...

The Plastic Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

By Hanna Choi, 2019—2020 Global Health Action Committee Programming Coordinator Research comes out on a daily basis on how single-use plastics, the lack of recycling on a global scale, and the improper elimination of plastic waste are harming our health and the health of our children with everything from cancer to lowered IQ points. I...

Maternal Mortality: A Bigger Problem than You May Think 

By: Zoreed Mukhtar 2019—2020 Global Health Policy Coordinator & Health Care for All Steering Committee Member    When you hear of maternal mortality, you may think that it is a foreign concept that only occurs in parts of Asia or Africa. The harsh reality is that in the developed world, the United States has the...

International Day of Disabled Persons

By: Ashley Barker, Global Health Chair The disabled population continues to be a population that relies on medicine, but their needs are rarely fully met. Disability can be temporary or permanent. If you break your leg, you are considered temporarily disabled. You would be covered by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) to receive the...